In order to provide our readers with the most definitive, up-to-the-minute, and factual information, Gundry MD content undergoes a detailed audit by medical reviewers and health experts. Our team of healthcare professionals carries considerable experience in an array of specialties.
Gundry MD reviewers offer their years of practice and perspective to ensure our articles are well-researched, relevant, and of great benefit to you — our valued reader.
Navin Ramchandani, MD
Medical Reviewer
Dr. Navin Ramchandani is a Medical Doctor/ Diagnostician and Owner of R&R Medical Centre in Barbados. He has the following degrees:
- A Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- (MBBS ) from the University Of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
- A membership to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH) London, UK
He is also an Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) International instructor with the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), and a Paediatric BASIC ( Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care) international instructor. His passion is diagnosing and treating/helping people with complicated health issues to improve their overall health and quality of life.
Davis Sugar, MD
Medical Reviewer
Davis has a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He received his MD from the University of Medicine and Health Sciences and is currently working on his MBA. In his spare time, Davis is an outdoor enthusiast and an avid reader.