What is it that you really want out of life? To grow old? To get the most out of time with your family and friends?
Sure. But, what if you could actually grow old while living a pain-free existence? And, maybe there’s a way to get there without downing handfuls of medicine every single day.
Perhaps you could live until you’re 100 (or even 120) years old. And even at this ripe old age, you wouldn’t be disabled or stuck sitting around some nursing home. No. Instead, you’d be living it up, enjoying your hobbies, experiencing big love, and remembering every moment of life with teenage clarity.
The Longevity Paradox
Luckily, Dr. Gundry is here to show you how to do this in his new book. AND, you’ll learn all sorts of NEW tips and tricks previously not shared in his other books.
You see, Dr. Gundry wrote The Longevity Paradox (now a New York Times Best Seller) to shed light on the true fountain of youth. So, today, take a sneak peek into Dr. Gundry’s newest book, The Longevity Paradox.
Here are a few keys to living to a ripe old age, pain-free and healthy. Let’s take some old-timey longevity myths, crack them open, and see what’s actually true and what’s just old, dusty, and inaccurate.
Longevity Myth #1 — Animal Protein Makes You Stronger
For decades, you’ve been sold on animal protein. Because, believe it or not, the government subsidizes corn and other lectin-filled grains to be supplied to industrial farmers on the cheap.
Next, farmers force-feed those lectin-rich grains to their animals — even farm-raised fish live off these lectin-heavy grains.
So, when you sit down to a plate of meat, you’re eating what your meat last ate: a ton of lectins and bad foods that damage your gut and take a toll on your body. The truth is, animal protein actually makes you weaker. Not only that, but it could potentially be shortening your life.
In fact, lifestyles that focus on lower meat consumption are often associated with greater longevity. Many Western societies vastly over-consume animal protein — this leads to higher blood sugar levels, obesity, and shorter life spans in general.1,2
Longevity Myth #2 — Faster Metabolism = Longer Life
Have you always envied your friends with rocket-speed metabolisms? You know, the friends who can eat anything and still remain rail thin?
Well, the latest studies reveal that, although occasional increases in metabolic rate due to exercise are beneficial, a constantly higher metabolism may be harmful and lead to early mortality.3 So, the truth is, a lower metabolic rate is actually better for your health.
Life is a marathon. Not a sprint.
If you operate at high energy levels all the time, you’re sure to burn out. You’ll just be putting your body through too much oxidative stress. Of course, if you’re conserving more energy, you’ll likely be able to longer running at a lower metabolic rate.
As Dr. Gundry says in The Longevity Paradox: It’s better to be a Prius than a Maserati. Don’t you want to be a more efficient fuel burner? Get 50 miles to the gallon instead of only 19? Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Longevity Myth #3 — Fat is bad
Now, this myth just needs to be slightly rewritten. The truth isn’t all fat is bad. The truth is… ANIMAL FAT is bad. You see, Ancel Keys was right about saturated fat!
Ancel Keys was an American physiologist who suggested in the 1950s that saturated fat could lead to heart health issues. His research was what really caused the birth of the low-fat movement. But…Keys actually lived to the ripe, respectable age of 102.
You see, he retired to a small Italian village and ate huge amounts of olive oil (not a saturated fat). People thought he was demonizing fat, BUT he was just demonizing animal fat. Monounsaturated fats, like olive oil, can be amazing for your overall longevity and are great for your cognitive health.
Turns out, olive oil is full of polyphenols that protect against heart disease, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, and neurological inflammation.4 It’s because the polyphenols in olive oils help stimulate your cells’ recycling program.5
It’s the saturated fats, like bacon or sausage, that are part of the greater problem. So, please try and steer clear of the carnivore’s diet.
Living Better, Longer
Old-fashioned ideas like these are further deconstructed in The Longevity Paradox! You’ll find brand new tips for staying healthy and YOUNG as you age. There are also over 30 brand-new Longevity Paradox-friendly recipes for you to try, like — Spiced Refried “Beans.”
So, grab your copy of Longevity Paradox right now from wherever books are sold — including audio books (you’ll be glad to know that Dr. Gundry recorded this one himself!) — or get a copy at your local bookstore.
For more keys to the fountain of youth in The Longevity Paradox, tune in to Dr. Gundry’s special episode on The Dr. Gundry Podcast.
Learn More:
Stop Eating So Much Protein! (the truth about high protein diets)
The Definitive Polyphenol Guide by Dr. Steven Gundry
5 Amazing Olive Oil Benefits (Eat more. Now!)