Tapioca Starch
This versatile, lectin-free flour is easy on your gut and digestive system… so you can satisfy your breakfast cravings without feeling that “heavy” post-meal feeling for hours after you eat.*†
Green Banana Flour
Derived from peeled green bananas, this powerful prebiotic is a great source of potassium, magnesium, and resistant starch — all helping you stay slim, healthy, and active as you age.*†
You probably know cocoa is the basic building block of chocolate, but what you may not know is that it’s chock full of polyphenols and flavanols. Studies show cocoa can improve mood, an overall sense of wellbeing, and can even increase feelings of happiness.†*3 3. Mandl, E. BSc, Msc, APD. 10 Health and Nutrition Benefits […]